Make the most informed pricing decisions based on your business objectives


Monitor portfolio performance at granular levels & identify performance gaps across segments.

Assess your current pricing strategy by analyzing your portfolio profitability at a granular level, and identify performance gaps across segments. Determine the impact of your planned Rate changes by conducting a dislocation analysis to spot the most significant variables driving the dislocation.In a few clicks, leverage dislocation analysis insights to design the rate plan that will be best aligned with the overall portfolio strategy.

Porfolio performance analysis diagram
Impact on rate change diagram
Set your rates

Establish your rates by assessing and tracing the impact of planned rate changes on your portfolio.

Set up your final rates: Compute your rates by adjusting the target profitability by segment, then iterate and keep complete traceability over the changes made. Conduct leakage analyses (loss ratios, AP-TP) and impact analyses (conversion vs retention analyses) to assess how different scenarios would impact technical KPIs as well as top and bottom lines. Export rating tables and integrate with your rating engine.


Generate insightful customized reports to present your rate changes

Using Akur8’s Rate module, you can clearly document your rate changes, then explain and present convincing results to your technical and non-technical stakeholders (Head of Pricing, management team, brokers, etc.) Create customized reports and use ad-hoc portfolio visualization and reporting at all stages of the process. 

Insurance pricing report creation diagram

They implemented the solution

"Pour Ornikar, il est essentiel de créer une offre d'assurance compétitive et différenciée adaptée à sa clientèle cible : les jeunes conducteurs. Akur8 nous est apparu comme la solution la plus performante pour apporter souplesse et rapidité tout en garantissant la solidité des modèles de tarification nécessaires à Ornikar"

Discover the use case

"We found insightful interactions after one day of modeling with Akur8’s insurance pricing solution. Leveraging this user-friendly and transparent platform will enable our pricing team to build better models faster across more lines of business."

Discover the use case

"MMIC is elated by our partnership with Akur8 and the potential it holds to drive our company’s digital transformational journey in insurance pricing. Akur8’s innovative technology aligns seamlessly with Madison Mutual’s commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences and optimizing pricing capabilities.”

Discover the use case
Get in touch with our team to learn more about the Rate module.
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