August 8, 2024

Actuarial Interpretation of Model Output

As actuaries adopt increasingly complex data science techniques, it’s essential to remember that every model serves a specific business purpose. The best model isn’t always the one with the strongest statistical performance, but the one that aligns with business goals and delivers actionable insights. In this recorded webinar, we explore real-world modeling exercises, challenging viewers to translate complex charts into clear business outcomes. We also share examples where actuarial judgment should override model outputs and discuss key questions actuaries should ask when evaluating a model's effectiveness. Watch now to sharpen your skills in transforming data-driven insights into impactful business decisions.

Featured speaker:

Thomas Holmes, Chief Actuary - US Region at Akur8

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Actuarial Interpretation of Model Output

As actuaries adopt increasingly complex data science techniques, it’s essential to remember that every model serves a specific business purpose. The best model isn’t always the one with the strongest statistical performance, but the one that aligns with business goals and delivers actionable insights. In this recorded webinar, we explore real-world modeling exercises, challenging viewers to translate complex charts into clear business outcomes. We also share examples where actuarial judgment should override model outputs and discuss key questions actuaries should ask when evaluating a model's effectiveness. Watch now to sharpen your skills in transforming data-driven insights into impactful business decisions.

Featured speaker(s):
Thomas Holmes, Chief Actuary - US Region, Akur8

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Thomas Holmes, Chief Actuary - US Region, Akur8
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Thomas Holmes

Chief Actuary - US Region at Akur8

Tom Holmes is Akur8’s Chief Actuary for the US region and is a co-author of the upcoming publication Penalized Regression and Lasso Credibility. He has experience modeling personal and commercial insurance, and volunteers with the CAS on predictive modeling topics. He is a frequent presenter at CAS events and Akur8 webinars, and performs industry outreach to share actuarial modeling methodologies and best practices. Tom is a Fellow of the CAS and holds music degrees from the University of Michigan and Ohio University.